Friday, September 11, 2009





When fools fail, the wise laugh. When the wise fail, animals in the bush mourn their folly!

I am afraid that Odeism is fast becoming a school and ideology that no arm or battalion can stand! If the people relinquish one third of their belief in Odey to Okoro, Abakaliki Diocese would be heaven on earth. But how possible?
The intractable cold war is Abakaliki Diocese can best be captured in the above parlance. This caption settles the endless, but dangerous melodrama going on in the Diocese where Bishop Dr M.N.Okoro and Fr. Dr.Emmanuel Obuna are the chief and major characters, then, the presbyterium constitute a cult of silence over decades of ecclesiastical vandalism that has tainted the Church in Abakaliki in terrible image. Rather than align the people of God on the path of salvation and chart a course for their liberation in their collective strive to attain Heaven, like the prophets of old did; Bishop Okoro has been ostensibly preoccupied by the institution and promotion of divide and rule which had led to infighting, cliqueism and politics of exlcusion and scramble for assimilation of newly ordained priests into different quasi chartels that now characterise the Diocese.
Okoro and his advisers should know that their achievements in Abakaliki is as short as burying priests who died mysteriously annually, break up of priests to start their own organisations, internal rancour and bickering amonsgt priests in their cliques, symptomatic of cult phenomenon, inability to give birth to sister Diocese, a crop of sycophants as priests, a presbyterium weighed down by the trauma of his political bucaneering. The achievements of Okoro as a priest and Bishop cannot be equalled by what Odey has recorded in his 25 years of preisthood; and that is where they part ways. It is an clear issue of conscience and history!
Okoro has soaked himself in his desperate and blind pursuit of Odey, a just man. If the energy deployed in the jostles to tame Odey has been directed to preach the truth; that the people of God have been caged by rampaging poverty and misery, looting of treasury and materialism making the catholic precepts completely impracticable in present day Nigeria, he would have had more disciples that John whose head he’s been calling for!
Bishop Okoro holds a DD (Doctor of Divinity), a foremost degree in the Church, by this acquisition of this very degree, he is an authority in Catholic Theology and doctrines. His omniscient secretary, Emmanuel Obuna, a formator by birth and inclination, holds an MSc in Clinical Psychology and a Ph.D in Moral Theology; making the duo of Obuna and Okoro inseparable in ‘truth and spirit’. To this, the faithfuls in Abakaliki and beyond are witnessess! Their inseparable ties lies with the ‘weird interest’ that has defied public guess and priestly permutations. Whatever bond that exists between them has made nonsense of Abakaliki Diocese, thwarted the Providential plan for the Diocese and held them hostage for so long. Obuna wields undue influence in Abakaliki Diocese since his return from Germany and CAN NEVER go on tranfer, against the Church rule, like Fr. Mmuo.
The Catholic Bishop is a vicar, a shepherd, his red attire speak volumes of his readiness to lay down his life for his flock. The Bishop’s staff (crusier), is another inkling into the world of symbols that the Catholic church operates. Bishop Oscar Romero in El-Salvador, is a litmus test of all times on the role of a Bishop to his flock. His life and message opened another chapter in Political Theology. In one of his speeches, ‘the mission of the church is to identify itself with the poor,by so doing the church finds its own salvation’.
The inability of the church in Nigeria to anchor such desirable leadership that will usher us into the Divine purpose is reflected in the unhealthy fraternity that exits between the looters of national treasury and the clergy. Modern loots are buried right inside the church! ‘Modern priests’ negotiate contracts, market and beg from one office to the other just to pose with flashy cars and make good returns to insatiable Bishops at the expense of their vows and calling. And those who dare to be different do so at their own peril! Odey falls under this category.
In Abakaliki, Okoro represents a grand conspiracy with the rich, mighty and powerful and preys on his flock pending on choice. The call for Odey’s head may be all that is left to get his own share of Ebonyi allocation and guber ticket in 2015. Having being starved by Odey’s ‘provocative’ sermons during Sam Egwu, Elechi’tenure will not pass for another tale. A critical look at Diocese that Bishop Macgettric handed over to Okoro, has startling revelations on why the Diocese shrinks daily. Besides, Odey,Okoro and Obuna saga, the Diocese is trailed by unforseen forces and circumstances. Ranging from mysterious and unaccounted deaths of Frs.Nicodemus Ogbuagu, Innocent Oko,Chidi Okoye, excardination of Frs. Aniuzu. Frs. Edward Inyawachi, Chidi Obasi, Jacob Nwabor etc who have completed their further studies long ago prefer staying abroad rather than return to get entangled with Obuna and the Local Ordinary. It was in the course of trying this escape route that luck ran against Fr. Peter Amanor, he not only paid for it, the wounds and bruises he sustained from that singular sharp ‘act of dissent’ may never heal.
Frs. Oluoha, Owoh and all priests, who at one time or the other were not in the ‘good book’ of Okoro have had to swallow his bitter pills. And they will tell you how bitter it really was.
In Abakaliki Diocese, silence has come to replace the ‘Vow of Obedience’. Those who make ‘good returns’ at the expense of the bleeding masses like Frs. Ofuluozor, need not go on further studies or transfer, Okoro’s degree has covered theirs’. And for Fr. Mmuo, St. John has been allocated to him now and in the life to come. The controversies surrounding Fr. Aligwe’s ousting the Catholic Church is a milestone in the conflagration of crises rocking the small diocese. Okoro’s inability to transform little Abakaliki into a model, by creating sister Dioceses’ like in Enugu Onitsha and Owerri, is the height of opulence and brazen display in overriding self interest and closure to develpoment and advancement. Pope John XXIII’s clamor for the church to open its windows for the ventilation of ideas, is subject to Okoro’s blurred interest.
The last onslaught WILL CERTAINLY be the incessant and misguided attacks on Odey whose name stand tall in the world ‘Literary Hall of Fame’. The humble priest from Ngbo has reamained my personal understanding of what a catholic priest should be. Odey who hails from the middle of the bush, started having problems with the Bishop because of his views on social implications of the Gospel message. Odey’s apprehension of Liberation Theology in other climes where it has become a tool for advancing the peoples’ course, thundered his voice from the pulpit at sermons and in writing, making it evident that Nigeria’s problem was born out of avarice. St Patrick’s was a semi-bush until John Odey came. His will was to affect the people not on returns. Then, came the divide. He ousted from St.Patrick’s Parish Kpirikpiri Abakaliki, he faced his school, paving way for Fr. L.Obijiofor, a callow,but modern priest, all in an attempt to rubbish Odey. Obijiofor’s sarcastic nature and obvious lack in managerial technicalities, led him into flambouyant renovation of the Fathers’ house since two years now, leaving the entire parishoners in a wild guess, when it took Odey SIX months to build another father’s house for Annunciation Sec. Sch. The said house under renovation was a building for which emissaries were sent to Okoro on many occassions to grant Odey permission to add one more room accommodation for future use, ofcourse it was ignored. In less than six years that edifice is being tampered with, with utmost impunity.
On July 18, 2009; Odey was celebrated alive as he clocked 25 years in priesthood. Of all the dignitries that graced the occassion,Okoro was obviously absent, though his absence was expected. A Bishop from Lafia Diocese took time to come and the last we heard of Okoro was to transfer Odey. If Okoro has sold his conscience let him tell us we will raise money for him to reclaim it in the nearest decent market. But, he should ‘becareful in dealing with the man who cares nothing for sensual pleasures, nothing for praise or comfort . He is a dangerous and uncomfortable enemy because his body which you can always lays hands on gives you little or no purchase upon his soul’.
There are reasones why the machinations of Okoro to wrestle Odey will fail they are;
i. Odey is not greedy/avaricious.
ii. He is not materialistic.
iii. He hates power.
iv. He can’t be seduced, being self willed.
v. He is simple/humble.
vi. He needs no titles having made his name.
Today, even Fr. Dr.Theophilus Ukoro Igwe from Abakaliki Diocese, as the rector of Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu, sneaks in and out of Abakaliki for his dear life! The sordid impression this leaves in the minds of the faithfuls is that Okoro has lost relevance. If the much energy/human resources deployed in trying to scheme Odey out is used in repositioning the church for societal relevance, option for the poor and compelling our leaders to toe the path of conscience, much success would have been recorded.
Okoro relying on the outcome of the crisis between him and Fr. Owo, posted Odey to Holy Trinity Parish Umuogudu Akpu Ngbo, hoping to achieve the same result. Unfortunately, as Odey journey’s to Ngbo on Tuesday, September 1, 2009, his entry into Ngbo will be historic like that of the son of David for whom the plebians laid down their garments to match on without being cowed! In 24 months time all roads will lead to Ngbo for another celebration of Odeism!
My worries are, why are the priests silent on all the antics and intrigues employed by Okoro in misleading the Diocese? It is appalling that the entire priests of the Diocese have been silent on the thrive of evil. This puts a big question mark on their calling! The priest who distances himself from truth, distances himself from heaven! To preach about heaven may not be the need of modern man, it is to live heaven. The challenge of the contemporary priest, is his zeal to pay the price of truth; whilst keeping himself far from both ecclesiatical and secular cults. As Odey pays the price of truth, a reasonable percentage of the Abakaliki priests celebrate today’s mass praying God to keep them from the wrath of Okoro and Obuna.
Odey is a freeman, he has no army or battalion, he meddles with no politician. He keeps no arms and believes in his message. If a man cannot die for his belief he has no need to live. While Okoro dolls out the worst of treatment,Odey as a non violent preacher has the moral equilibrium for reception. But, the greatest violence is the conspiracy against an innocent man.
Although, the church is run behind close doors, but, not without the laity. The people are aware of the decision to dismember Odey like other priests whose death still hangs a shadow of doubt on Okoro’s sincerity. Okoro should have known that Odey has traversed the common priest he ordained at St.Theresa’s in 1984. An attempt of such will be the height of vandalism. If this happens no matter the guise it wll blow the entire Diocese skyhigh! We will engage him and his entire cohorts in a serious battle of all forms that will dazzle Vatican. If people who are supposed to make their soup with goat meat do so with mushroom,it is shameful!
Okoro Benedict Chinedum


  1. Chinedu, next time when you write, try to proof-read your work before posting and do your research very well so as not to include false information. I am sure you were even worse than the modern Priest when you were in the seminary. If all the priests in the diocese are cowards then you are the only intelligent and courageous man, the best priest Abakaliki never had.

    September 25, 2009 8:03 AM

  2. Chinedu, Congrats on your determination to expose injustice. Keep it up, it is a challenge for our "court priests". The clergy in Nigeria especially in Ebonyi State, Catholics as well as others of other religius persuations need our prayers so much because the are in dire need of the salvation the preach. On the day of revolution there will be great danger.

  3. Chinedu, job well done! but who will listen?

  4. The trust has been shattered in many of our political,ecclesiastical, corporate, financial, familial, and media institutions.
    how do we lift the scales from our eyes in order to see the deepen ing leadership crisis, and to paint a portriat of the moral leadership required to meet our predicament.

  5. Nwanne, good literary peace. Speak it.

  6. Leadership primary must bee a moral endeavor. It requires a selfless attitude to lead merely by responding to a need or a call rather than ambition alone. In a phrase, leadership is character in motion drawing its followers to a virtues destination at which they don't necessarily wish to arrive.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Fr Odey is really an icon in the priesthood, his style of life only reminds me that it is really difficult to be a true christian. He is the Martin Luther of our time, most atimes i wonder why people dont value what they have, people like Fr Odey are rare in generation. They come once in a life time and since the Abakaliki diocese is privilaged to have him, they should rather celebrate him.

  9. This is really good, keep it up

  10. Are you sure that Jesus Christ still resides at Mile 50, where Okoro and Obuna reside?

  11. The quest for truth also impiies a duty. Courage is the singular vehicle that drives it home. Who is scared saying the truth?

  12. The quest for truth also implies a duty. The singular vehicle that drives it home is courage. Who is scared of the truth? Take it to his door step!

  13. Is this the Chinedu Okoro I know, or another. Guy, you are too much. What I admire is the literary quality of ur write up. I dont care about the verity of its content. Chinedu Nweke, Westminster.
